Laying The Foundation: MTSS, UDL, The SST Process & Why The Sequence Matters

4 hours, 25 minutes
Developed by:
A Multi-Disciplinary Approach for Multilingual Students with Exceptional Needs
This is an "anytime" virtual training.
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This course provides foundational information about MTSS, UDL, and SST, with a focus on the importance of implementing each component in a structured sequence for multilingual learners. It begins with an introduction into the prevalence of multilingual learners in the state of California and the general progression of English Language Development Instruction. An overview of the core tenants related to MTSS, UDL and SST is provided, followed by progress monitoring and the pre-referral process.
Learning objectives
- How to engage and support all students in learning
- How to create effective environments for student learning
- How to plan instruction and design learning experiences for all students
Added on 8/27/2024 ·
Last updated on 8/27/2024