Lupita Olguin Rubio

Coordinator, Imperial County Selpa


Lupita Olguin-Rubio is a Coordinator of Inclusionary Practices at Imperial County SELPA. Ms. Olguin-Rubio has over 25 years of experience as a curriculum coordinator providing professional development on English learners' literacy and language development topics at the Imperial County Office of Education.

Ms. Olguin-Rubio believes that multilingualism is an asset and that every student is entitled to have his or her voice valued and heard. She is passionate about this philosophy and imparts this zeal in all her projects. Ms. Olguin-Rubio operates with a systems lens and recognizes that as educators, we are all change agents and have the capacity and ability to contribute. to transforming our school systems to improve outcomes for all learners. Ms. Olguin-Rubio has worked as a K-6 Bilingual Educator, Site Director for the California Reading and Literature Project, Region 9 CPIN/DLL Lead, Title III EL Specialist, and English Learner Curriculum Coordinator. At present, she is a member of the Imperial County SELPA Special Education Resource Lead work: Improving Outcomes for Multilingual Students with Exceptional Needs.

Resources featuring Lupita Olguin Rubio